Organic Pea Protein Powder

Organic pea protein powder is a high-quality protein extracted from peas using a low temperature and low-pressure technology. In the production process, no chemical solvents are used. As a vegan protein, it is easy to digest and can be used as an excellent substitute for animal protein. Pea protein contains eighteen kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body and is a full-price protein. It contains 18 essential amino acids such as leucine, lysine, valine, and isoleucine. Pea protein contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of protein for vegetarian and vegan foods. Pea protein is one of the best vegetarian protein powders and has been widely used in the field of artificial meat. We provide organic pea protein to synthetic meat producers in the United States and the European Union, and the finished product can be found in supermarkets. Our organic pea protein has passed the organic certification of the European Union and the United States Department…

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